Ways to become a climate-neutral company
Ways to become a climate-neutral company
The topics of environmental awareness and sustainability are very important to META. For this reason, META has joined the project initiative "Paths to a climate-neutral company" and is being accompanied on this path by experts. The goal of this transformation is very clear: META will become climate neutral! In doing so, META will play its part in this task for society as a whole - without greenwashing. Various measures, adjusting screws and problems have already been identified and will be implemented in the future.
Further information on the "Paths to a climate-neutral company" project.
Towards a green future together!
Towards a green future together!
On a project basis, we can use a CO2-reduced and more climate-friendly steel as a material, with which we can significantly reduce the CO2 footprint of your project. This innovative steel grade is TÜV certified and has up to 50% reduced CO2 emissions (based on the EU average) across the entire steel production process. The reduction and certification takes place entirely at the production site in Europe, not in a global context and without compensation certificates.
For more information, please contact us - our colleagues will be happy to discuss the options with you.
DIN EN 50001:2018 certified
DIN EN 50001:2018 certified
META uses a certified energy management system in accordance with DIN EN ISO 50001:2018 and thus actively supports the environment.
Ecovadis certification
Ecovadis certification
EcoVadis has put META through its paces in terms of corporate responsibility. The areas of the environment, labor and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement are included in the audit as part of the certification process.
Steel construction with solar energy!
Steel construction with solar energy!
At our steel construction competence center in České Budějovice, we cover up to 50% of our energy requirements with the help of our own photovoltaic system on the roof. This project was realized with the help of European Union funding and is an important building block in our sustainability strategy.