CROSO International


META equips CROSO International's new building with shelving technology

Customer: CROSO International, Arnsberg (Germany) Project: Warehouse equipment in production and factory building Sector: Specialist wholesaler – railing systems and components Warehouse goods: Railing systems and components Systems: META CLIP shelving system (can be extended) META MULTIPAL pallet racking META MULTIBLOC cantilever racking META MULTIPAL profile storage racking META SPEED-RACK packing table

Customer statement: „It was important for us that everything we needed was available from under one roof at META. Everything just clicked. One outstanding point is their competence in the field of dynamic warehouse systems. In addition, we in the company group relied on local providers with whom we already enjoyed years of trusting and successful cooperation. Right from the start, the collaboration was outstanding and very creative – both with Mr. Dolle from the META field staff and with those in the office at META.“ Sandra Thurau, Production Manager, CROSO

Dynamic and efficient storage solution in an extraordinary factory building. META equips CROSO International's new building with shelving technology.